Efficient algorithms for performing packet broadcasts in a mesh network

We consider proeewors communicating over a mesh network with the objective of broadcasting information among each other. One instance of the problem involves a number of nodes all with the same message to be broadcasted. For that problem, a lower-bound on the time to complete the broadcast, and an algorithm whlcb achieves this bound are presented. In another instance, every node in the mesh has packets to be broadcast arriving independently, according to a Poisson random proeeas. The stability region for performing such broadcasts is characterized, and broadcast algorithms which operate efficiently withbs that region are presented. These algorithms involve inter- acting queues whose analysis is known to he very difficult. Toward that end we develop an approximation which models an n- dimensional intinite Markov chain as a single-dimensional infinite Markov chain together with an u-dimensional finite Markov chain. This approximate madel ean he analyzed and the results compare favorably with simulation.

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