Histological evidence of resistance to Endocronartium harknessii in Pinus contorta var. latifolia

Resistance to the western gall rust fungus, Endocronartium harknessii, was observed in 3-, 10-, 20-, and 33-month-old greenhouse-grown seedlings of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia). Three sites of resistance were identified: epidermal, cortical, and cambial. In cases of epidermal resistance, penetration of the epidermis occurred, but infection was prevented by an apparent hypersensitive response. Cortical resistance occurred where infected cells in the cortex were successfully isolated by necrophylactic periderm and the infected tissue was exfoliated with the rhytidome. In cambial resistance, infections progressed to the vascular cambium where infected cells and cambial initials were inactivated. This resulted in abnormal secondary xylem development, characterized by a zone of pathological tissue extending from the pith to the epidermis. In a number of infected seedlings, cambial function was restored and infected lesions were overgrown. Live mycelium was often maintained in cortical lesions and in some cases reinvaded healthy cortical cells. These latent-type infections resulted in the initiation of gall formation up to 1 year after initial resistance to infection occurred. Key words: tree improvement, western gall rust, pine stem rust.