High-Resolution Determination of the Widths of Self-Broadened Lines of Carbon Monoxide

The half‐widths of self‐broadened lines of carbon monoxide have been measured directly with a resolution of 0.045 cm−1 in the first overtone band at room temperature for | m | values up to 31 and for pressures between 1 and 2 atm. The results, which have an estimated accuracy of ±3.0%, vary from 0.088 cm−1·atm−1 at | m | = 1 to 0.044 cm−1·atm−1 at | m | = 31 , and occupy an intermediate position relative to other measurements. The half‐widths have also been determined from peak absorption measurements and previously measured line strengths and these widths agree with the directly measured values to better than 2%.

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