Magnetic resonance imaging of endocrine tumours of the pancreas

Seven patients who had functioning or non-functioning endocrine pancreatic tumours were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging. Combinations of fat suppressed T1 weighted spin echo and gradient recalled echo (n = 7), T2 weighted spin echo (n = 3) and gadolinium diethylamine triamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) enhanced fat suppressed T1 images were acquired. Magnetic resonance imaging detected five of seven tumours prospectively (three of which were smaller than 10 mm) and a further 10 mm tumour retrospectively. Tumours were low signal on T1 weighted images and showed enhancement after Gd-DTPA. On T2 weighted images one tumour was hyperintense, and two were isointense with normal pancreas. Computed tomography, transabdominal ultrasound and angiography were performed in six patients but detected only one tumour each. Intraoperative palpation and ultrasound detected all tumours. If pre-operative imaging is required magnetic resonance imaging is the technique of choice to detect small endocrine pancreatic tumours.