Relationships between fluid and electrolyte hormones and plasma volume during exercise with training and detraining

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between training-induced alterations in plasma volume (PV) and changes in fluid and electrolyte regulatory hormones during prolonged exercise. Seven male subjects (˙VO2peak 49.2 ± 2.4 mL·kg-1·min-1, X ± SE) performed a cycling test before (C) and after (T) 6 d of training and after 6 d of detraining(DT). Training was conducted for 2 h·d-1 at 68%˙VO2peak at a room temperature between 26-28°C. The 60-min exercise challenge included 20 min at 50%, 65%, and 75% ˙VO2peak workloads. Training resulted in a calculated 13.8 ± 1.6% PV expansion(P P The results suggest that concentrations of ALDO, and to a lesser extent EPI, during exercise are related to PV levels, whereas ANF and NOREPI concentrations are not. AVP concentrations are related to other adaptive factors, the effects of which persist for a longer time course than do PV changes.