Two dimensional 31P nuclear magnetic resonance coherence transfer experiments under magic-angle sample spinning

In this paper, we report on two dimensional (2D) 31P cross polarization (CP) magic angle spinning (MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on the coupled two‐spin systems, sodium pyrophosphate decahydrate, Na4P2O7, 1OH2O (SP) and tetraphenyldiphosphine‐1‐oxide, (C6H5)2PP(O) (C6H5)2 (TPPO), including antiecho (COSY), double‐quantum NMR, and zero‐quantum NMR experiments. These experiments are generalizations of the absolute mode 2D Fourier transform antiecho COSY performed under MAS condition by Kentgens, de Boer, and Veeman [J. Chem. Phys. 8 7, 6859 (1987)]. The 2D sideband intensities for these experiments on polycrystalline samples are shown theoretically to be real. There are two mechanisms of coherence transfer; homonuclear J coupling and dipolar coupling. Theory shows that the zero‐quantum signal for the coupled two spins can not be observed by using a (CPx−τ−(π)x−τ−(π/2)xt1−(π/2)−t2 pulse sequence, when the coherence transfer is due to J coupling. When, however, the coherence transfer is induced by the flip‐flop term of the dipolar coupling Hamiltonian, the zero‐quantum signal can be observed by that pulse sequence. The preparation time dependences of the double‐quantum and the zero‐quantum sideband patterns, are expected, when the coherence transfer is induced by dipolar coupling. The zero‐quantum signal was very weak for TPPO, while it was strong for SP. The apparent preparation time dependence of the zero‐quantum sideband pattern was observed for SP. These results suggest that the coherence transfer is mainly due to J coupling in TPPO, where the two 31P nuclei have different isotropic chemical shifts. While, on the other hand, the dipolar coupling is more important in SP, where the two 31P nuclei have the same isotropic chemical shifts but different orientations of the chemical shift tensors. The 2D sideband intensities of the antiecho COSY spectrum of TPPO were calculated, and the relative orientation of the two chemical shift tensors was determined.