Comparison ofd-moment perturbations from hyperfine fields and neutron scattering in Fe alloys

In the preceding paper we obtained solute- and host-moment perturbations from hyperfine-field data on dilute alloys of Fe with 3d and 4d transition atoms. Here we Fourier invert these moment perturbations to compare them with neutron diffuse-elastic-scattering curves taken on similar alloys. We find that in general the shapes of the Fourier-inverted curves agree very well with the neutron-scattering curves. In many cases the solute moments obtained from the hyperfine-field data are quite different from those determined by a previous analysis of the neutron-scattering data. We show in detail why the latter analysis led to several incorrect results. The host-moment perturbations are believed to result from the variation in the number of itinerant d electrons in the vicinity of the solute atom, as discussed in the preceding paper.