Effects of Positively Selected Sequence Variations in Human and Macaca fascicularis β-Defensins 2 on Antimicrobial Activity

The evolution of orthologous genes coding for β-defensin 2 (BD2) in primates has been subject to positive selection during the divergence of the platyrrhines from the catarrhines and of the Cercopithecidae from the Hylobatidae , great apes, and humans. Three peptides have been selected for a functional analysis of the effects of sequence variations on the direct antimicrobial activity: human BD2 (hBD2), Macaca fascicularis BD2 (mfaBD2), and a variant of the human peptide lacking Asp 4 , (−D)hBD2, which is characteristic only of the human/great ape peptides. hBD2 and mfaBD2 showed a significant difference in specificity, the former being more active towards Escherichia coli and the later towards Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. Asp 4 in the human peptide appears to be important, as (−D)hBD2 was less structured and had a markedly lower antimicrobial activity. The evolution of β-defensin 2 in primates may thus have been driven, at least in part, by different environmental pressures so as to modulate antimicrobial activity.