Measurement of cross sections for electron capture inton=3states of hydrogen

We have measured the cross sections for electron capture into the n=3,L,ML states of hydrogen for protons colliding with helium atoms at energies between 30 and 80 keV. We used a microwave-resonance, optical detection technique, in which a microwave field drives transitions within the n=3 manifold of the hydrogen atoms, and the change in the Balmer-α light emitted in the decay of the excited atoms is observed. The analysis included cascade feeding of the n=3 states by higher n states. The measured cross sections decrease as the angular momentum L increases, and for fixed L they decrease as ‖ML‖ increases. The 3p and 3d cross sections are roughly inversely proportional to the square of the energy over this range of energies, whereas the 3s cross section peaks near 50 keV.