Large calculated electron-phonon interactions in La2xMxCuO4

Results of self-consistent linearized-augmented-plane-wave calculations within the local-density-functional approximation (LDA) are presented of the electron-phonon-induced linewidths and interaction strength of selected phonons in La2x Mx CuO4 at x=0.15. Through the use of a supercell geometry, rigid-ion-type approximations are avoided and the full electron-phonon matrix elements are determined from finite differences of the LDA potentials corresponding to frozen-in phonon at Γ X, and Z. At the X point, all fully symmetric Ag modes (i.e., having the symmetry of the oxygen planar-breathing mode) as well as three modes having B3g symmetry are examined. Small linewidths were found for the three B3g modes, and moderate linewidths for the Ag modes, the largest corresponding to ratios γq,ν/ωq,ν=0.02 for the oxygen breathing and axial modes.