Decay dynamics of the CN* (B 2Σ+) and XeF* (B 2Σ+ and C 2Π3/2) states

The fluorescence decay of CN* (B 2Σ+) and XeF* (B 2Σ+ and C 2Π3/2) radicals has been investigated following photodissociation of ICN and XeF2, respectively. Pulsed synchrotron radiation from the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory was used as an excitation source so that the fluorescence decay could be monitored directly. Pressure-dependent studies were carried out to separate the effects of collisional quenching from those of radiative decay. The radiative lifetimes derived for the CN* (B 2Σ+), XeF* (B 2Σ+), and XeF* (C 2Π3/2) radicals are 70.5±1.6, 14.2±0.2, and 98±10 nsec, respectively. The collisional fluorescence quenching rate for the CN* (B 2Σ+) state by ICN was determined to be (1.15±0.04) ×10−9 cm3 sec−1(294 K). In addition to the CN* (B 2Σ+) fluorescence observed from ICN excitation, a very fast fluorescence component was observed which is attributed to radiative decay of valence (and/or Rydberg) excitations in ICN.