Influence of Cardiac and Respiratory Motion on Tomographic Reconstructions of the Heart

The potential influence of physiological, periodic motions of the heart due to the cardiac cycle, the respiratory cycle, or both on quantitative image reconstruction by positron emission tomography (PET) has been largely neglected. To define their quantitative impact, cardiac PET was performed in 6 dogs after injection of “C-palmitate under disparate conditions including: normal cardiac and respiration cycles and cardiac arrest with and without respiration. Although in vitro assay of myocardial samples demonstrated that palmitate uptake was homogeneous (coefficient of variation = 10.1%), analysis of the reconstructed images demonstrated significant heterogeneity of apparent cardiac distribution of radioactivity due to both intrinsic cardiac and respiratory motion. Image degradation due to respiratory motion was demonstrated in a healthy human volunteer as well, in whom cardiac tomography was performed with Super PETT I during breath-holding and during normal breathing. The results indicate that quantitatively significant degradation of reconstructions of true tracer distribution occurs in cardiac PET due to both intrinsic cardiac and respiratory induced motion of the heart. They suggest that avoidance of or minimization of these influences can be accomplished by gating with respect to both the cardiac cycle and respiration or by employing brief scan times during breath-holding.