In this paper, we study the influence of the resonance modes associated with a heavy paramagnetic-impurity ion in a simple-cubic host lattice on the electron spin-lattice relaxation time of the impurity. The relaxation rate is expressed in terms of the phonon propagator for a harmonic lattice containing a mass defect, and is evaluated at low temperatures using a long-wavelength approximation and a Debye spectrum for the density of states. We find that although the direct process is unchanged by the presence of the mass defect, the Raman process is drastically altered. A term having a T11 temperature dependence appears in addition to the usual T7 Raman term; the T11 term predominates when ωRωD, ωR being the frequency of the resonance mode and ωD the Debye frequency. Furthermore, if ωRωD, a term having an exp(ωRkT) temperature dependence for kT<ωR will take over from the T11 term when 10kT>ωR. The enhancement of the Raman relaxation of Cr3+ impurities in MgO observed by Castle, Feldman, and Klemens can be attributed to the excess mass of the chromium ion, and thus provides experimental support for our theory.