Editorial by Doube Osteoporosis, which contributes to some 150 000 fractures annually, cost the NHS £750 million in 1994,1 and current estimates exceed this figure. Department of Health guidelines on osteoporosis published in November 19941 recommend an aggressive approach, even in patients with established osteoporosis. Guidelines from the Royal College of Physicians also exist with regard to aspects of rehabilitation in fracture management.2 What advice (relating especially to rehabilitation as well as assessment and treatment of osteoporosis) patients with fractured hip and vertebrae actually receive is not known. Names and addresses of 96 patients with recent fractures were obtained (in the latter part of 1996) from 56 hospital based orthopaedic surgeons in the Greater Manchester area (out of 70 contacted) who each selected up to two patients at random; 14 further names were obtained through announcements in the local evening newspaper. A detailed questionnaire seeking information on advice …