Radioactive labelling of the amino sugars in gonococcal peptidoglycan was followed by treatment with Chalaropsis muramidase and TLC separation of the products. Even after very brief periods of labelling (0.5 min) the peptidoglycan was already cross-linked to some 80% of the final value and little change occurred within 2 min. The remaining cross-linking was achieved only over a period of about one generation time. Streptomycete endopeptidase was used to show the extent to which new chains were cross-linked to old. Even at the earliest times many cross-linked units contained new material in both moieties and by 3 min there was little distinction in relative labelling, indicating that in Neisseria gonorrhoeae most newly synthesized glycan chains are cross-linked to other new chains rather than to pre-existing peptidoglycan. A model is proposed in which newly polymerized monomer units are predestined either towards dimer formation with other new chains, which are then rapidly O-acetylated and not further cross-linked, or towards the formation of trimers and higher oligomers, the latter being a slower process. Although significant O-acetylation of peptidoglycan was detectable even at the earliest times, efforts to detect O-acetylated lipid intermediates were unsuccessful. The chief lipid intermediate found was apparently the disacchardie-peptide unit linked to undecaprenol.