Absorption of Glucose Solutions From the Peritoneal Cavity in Rabbits

• Complications created by the long-term administration of intravenous total-bowel parenteral nutrition solutions and the observed high transfer rate of solutes across the peritoneum during long-term peritoneal dialysis suggested that glucose absorption from the peritoneal cavity could be evaluated as a technique for providing nutritional support. We performed peritoneal dialysis on 55 rabbits using dextrose solutions. Infusion every two hours with different concentrations of dextrose solutions (in 18 rabbits) showed a direct correlation of glucose absorption with the dextrose concentration in the peritoneal fluid. Varying the duration of peritoneal fluid infusion showed (in 28 rabbits) that the maximal glucose disappearance from the peritoneal cavity and the maximum increase in serum glucose occur within two hours. Varying the volume of dialysate with each exchange (in 14 rabbits) showed a direct correlation between glucose absorption and increased fluid volumes. Resection of the omentum or 40% to 60% of the small intestine (in 11 rabbits) caused only a 6.5% to 14% decrease in glucose absorption compared with normal rabbits. (Arch Surg 1984;119:1247-1251)