Regulation of K+ Influx in Barley

Influx and accumulation of K+ in barley (H. vulgare L. cv. Fergus) roots were measured at 2 temperatures ( C and C) in plants which had been grown with roots and shoots at C (HT plants), with roots and shoots at C (LT plants). Under conditions where K+ was in limited supply during the prior growth period, K+ influx and accumulation were consistently higher in roots of DT and LT plants than in those of HT plants. Evidently this low temperature response is not limited specifically to conditions in which temperature differentials are maintained between roots and shoots. It was generally the case that increases of influx were larger in DT and LT plants so that the temperature differentials may intensify the low temperature response. When K+ influx was examined over a wide range of root [K+], the characteristic reduction of influx associated with increased internal [K+] was substantially greater in HT than DT or LT plants. Transfer of plants grown under HT conditions to DT or LT regimes led to both short-term and long-term adjustments of influx. The former became apparent within 6 h of exposure of the new conditions and decayed within minutes of transfer back to C. The long-term adjustments were only apparent after prolonged exposure (days) to the lower root temperature and these did not decay as rapidly. Regardless of shoot temperature, the transfer of roots from C caused a gradual increase of root [K+] so that 4 days latter LT and DT roots contained, respectively, 53.3 and 49.83 mol/g compared to 17.82 mol/g for roots maintained at C.