Radionuclide Imaging in the Diagnosis of Hernias Related to Peritoneal Dialysis

• Abdominal hernias are noted with increasing frequency in association with peritoneal dialysis as this mode of dialysis becomes increasingly popular. These hernias often present as localized groin edema, without evidence of a mass, on physical examination. Diagnosis is more difficult when the edema encompasses both groins. Radionuclide imaging peritoneography offers a safe, simple, well-tolerated, highly accurate method of localizing peritoneal defects. We used this method to locate and lateralize inguinal hernias in three patients receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis who presented with bilateral scrotal edema and who had unrevealing physical examination findings. All three had unilateral, indirect inguinal herniorrhaphies under local anesthesia and have returned successfully to peritoneal dialysis without complication. (Arch Surg 1987;122:952-954)