Aspartate Carbamyltransferase

Lovatt et al. (1979 Plant Physiol 64: 562-569) have previously demonstrated that end-product inhibition functions as a mechanism regulating the activity of the orotic acid pathway in intact cells of roots excised from 2-day-old squash plants (Cucurbita pepo L. cv Early Prolific Straightneck). Uridine (0.5 millimolar final concentration) or one of its metabolites inhibited the incorporation of NaH14CO3, but not [14C]carbamylaspartate or [14C]orotic acid, into uridine nucleotides (ΣUMP). Thus, regulation of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis was demonstrated to occur at one or both of the first two reactions of the orotic acid pathway, those catalyzed by carbamylphosphate synthetase (CPSase) and aspartate carbamyltransferase (ACTase). The results of the present study provide evidence that ACTase alone is the site of feedback control by added uridine or one of its metabolites. Evidence demonstrating regulation of the orotic acid pathway by end-product inhibition at ACTase, but not at CPSase, includes the following observations: (a) addition of uridine (0.5 millimolar final concentration) inhibited the incorporation of NaH14CO3 into ΣUMP by 80% but did not inhibit the incorporation of NaH14CO3 into arginine; (b) inhibition of the orotate pathway by added uridine was not reversed by supplying exogenous ornithine (5 millimolar final concentration), while the incorporation of NaH14CO3 into arginine was stimulated more than 15-fold when both uridine and ornithine were added; (c) incorporation of NaH14CO3 into arginine increased, with or without added ornithine when the de novo pyrimidine pathway was inhibited by added uridine; and (d) in assays employing cell-free extracts prepared from 2-day-old squash roots, the activity of ACTase, but not CPSase, was inhibited by added pyrimidine nucleotides.