Summary— Fibrosis of the corpus spongiosum, caused by urethral manipulation, and the resulting ventral penile curvatures are known as the urethral manipulation syndrome. This acquired, largely iatrogenic deformity is noticed only by sexually active patients. Partial, gradual disappearance of glans engorgement and irregularities palpable along the penile urethra associated with ventral curvature are constant findings. The post-manipulative ventral curvature can be transient, disappearing when the inflammatory process subsides or the repeated urethral manipulation ceases. Since fibrosis of the corpus spongiosum begins with urethral inflammation, patients in whom irregularities of the penile urethra are observed during urethrography should be questioned about any erectile deformity. Surgical treatment is indicated when the deformity interferes with sexual intercourse or is accompanied by severe urethral strictures.