Mediastinal Thymic Cysts

Benign cysts of the thymus gland are rare. They may occur in the neck or in the mediastinum. Judging from reports in the literature, the former is the more common location. In the past 30 years at this hospital, the diagnosis of mediastinal thymic cyst has been made but 3 times, and these were all surgically substantiated diagnoses. These cases are discussed in this paper for their interest, and to increase the index of suspicion of the physician dealing with chest lesions. This is a curable lesion for which removal should be the goal. Case 1. —A 14-year-old white male was admitted to the Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital for the first time Nov. 14, 1946 because of "tumor in the chest," present for 2 months. Two months prior to admission, a chest x-ray was taken on the patient because of possible active tuberculosis in a sister. This x-ray was reported

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