Social Deprivation Indices of Patients on Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) in Grampian

The social deprivation scores of 169 patients who resided in Grampian region and commenced renal replacement therapy (RRT) in Aberdeen during the period 1 January 1985–30 June 1991 were measured when their serum creatinine concentrations were first >=300 μmol/l, using the Jarman Underprivileged Area (UPA) and Carstairs indices. The numbers in the population of Grampian for each score were obtained from the Information Services team of Grampian Health Board based on the 1981 census. Comparison of the numbers of patients in each category of both Jarman and Carstairs indices showed no differences between the observed numbers of patients and the numbers in the general population. Thus in this study social deprivation occurred no more frequently in those commencing RRT than in the general population.