We propose an imagery device presenting a double particularity: (1) one of the axes of the image space is an axis of the temporal frequencies Ov; that is, the image is inscribed in a projection of the spectrum of the white light emanating from the object; (2) the image is anamorphosable at will. The light radiated by the achromatic object is dispersed by an auxiliary grating, then projected on the entrance slit of a spectroscope. The spectroscope, in again dispersing the chromatic components removed by the slit, reproduces a unique image of the object. By playing with the position of the auxiliary grating, for example, we arbitrarily modify the geometrical dispersion of the device; it results that the size of the image in one of its dimensions (that corresponding to the Ov axis) is anamorphosable at will. Besides the possibility of anamorphosis, the realization of image spectrograms opens interesting possibilities in metrology (absolute measurements of thickness, in particular).

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