Aortic valve replacement with unsupported fascia lata

Hearn, K., Somerville, Jane, Sutton, R., Wright, J., and Ross, D. (1973).Thorax, 28, 603-607. Aortic valve replacement with unsupported fascia lata. Twenty-five patients in the National Heart Hospital have had aortic valve replacement with unsupported autologous fascia lata and have been followed for two to three and a half years. Three patients died before leaving hospital. Nine of the 22 survivors required re-operation for severe aortic regurgitation and the other 13 developed aortic incompetence. In 11, regurgitation dated from the operation and progressed; and in 11 it appeared later and progressed. In view of the disappointing results which were obvious within six months unsupported autologous fascia lata valves have not been used for aortic valve replacement since December 1970.