Extending ATOFMS Measurements To Include Refractive Index and Density

An absolute calibration of the light scattering region in an aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) has been performed enabling a direct comparison of the average experimentally measured light scattering intensity to theory. A fitting procedure allows for the determination of both refractive index and density for spherical homogeneous particles. The scattering information has been correlated with the other single-particle information measured by the ATOFMS. Size, chemical composition, and scattering intensity can all be linked to establish a better understanding of the relationships between the chemical and physical properties of aerosol particles. Currently, inputs into climate models are derived from data acquired from bulk aerosol composition measurements, and therefore, assumptions must be made regarding the chemical associations within individual particles (mixing state) to enable modelers to calculate the relevant aerosol optical properties. These new measurements aim for the goal of directly testing the model assumptions by utilizing single-particle chemical information to derive the optical properties of the different particle classes.