The ceramiaceous red alga A. boreale is similar to the genus Scagelia in possessing unequal whorl-branches in groups of 1-4 on each axial cell, gland cells that are lateral on a single parent cell, sessile tetrasporangia and carposporophytes that develop on whorl-branches that continue growth. A. boreale and the only known species of Scagelia, S. occidentale, seem closely related, differing only by the production of more gland cells in S. occidentale and by the slightly more sinusoidal nature of its apex. The new binomial S. corallina (Ruprecht) comb. nov. is proposed for these species, using the oldest basionym available, Callithamnion corallina Ruprecht; and S. occidentale is reduced to varietal status, as S. corallina var. occidentale (Wollaston).