Non-specific binding of restriction endonudease EcoR1 to DNA

Restriction endonuclease, EcoRl cleaves the DNA sequence (see formula in text) at the points indicated. Under certain conditions, EcoRl activity is observed when (see formula in text) is cut. Mg2+ is required for both activities. We find that in addition to binding to the above sites, EcoRl will also bind, although less strongly, to DNA containing neither site. Methyl acetimidate, which reacts specifically with lysine residues, inactivates the enzyme. This specific effect can be prevented by SV40 DNA and lambda DNA which contain EcoRl and EcoRl sites, by 0X174 DNA, which has only EcoRl sites and also by Polyd(AT) and polyd(GC) containing neither site. Protection occurs in the absence or presence of magnesium. The significance of this non-specific binding, both for the use and mechanism of EcoRl will be discussed.