Effect of Light on Mevalonic Acid Incorporation into the Phytosterols of Nicotiana tabacum L. Seedlings

Mevalonic acid-2-(14)C was readily incorporated into the free, esterified, and glycosidic sterol fractions of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. Burley 21) seedlings. The time course of mevalonic acid-2-(14)C incorporation was different for the various individual sterols. Campesterol and sitosterol (group I) became radioactive as the free sterol and subsequently as the steryl ester. The reverse order was observed for cholesterol and stigmasterol (group II). Light stimulated the incorporation of mevalonic acid-2-(14)C into the group I free sterols and during the first 6 to 9 hours into the steryl esters of group II. The increase in specific radioactivity of the group II steryl esters was followed by a decline. Based on time course studies it is suggested that the group II steryl esters turn over rapidly and that light influences the rate of turnover.