1. In 279 cases 97% agreement was obtained between Zondek-Aschheim and Xenopus laevis pregnancy tests. 2. Feeding once a week with either beef or liver is sufficient to maintain ovarian growth in Xenopus laevis but a diet of liver is more propitious if the frequency of feeding is less. The superiority of a liver diet is not due to its greater manganese or vitamin content. 3. The effect of overcrowding upon the reproductive activity of Xenopus laevis is not due to pollution alone but also to some form of interaction between the animals themselves. The maximum density level compatible with ovarian growth is higher if the water is kept running than if it is only changed after feeding. 4. Ovulation in Xenopus laevis as a response to injection of tissue extracts in doses up to 5 g. of tissue is specific to water extracts of the anterior lobe of the pituitary. 5. Instructions for the technique of the Xenopus pregnancy test are outlined.