The Profile and Severity of Lithium-Induced Side Effects in Mentally Healthy Subjects

Whereas the evidence for a therapeutic effect or effectivities of Li in manic-melancholic patients is steadily accumulating, it is more difficult to reach a consensus about the profile and severity of Li-induced side effects. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design various side effects during 6 mo. of therapeutic serum Li levels (0.7-1.1 mM) to non-psychiatric patients were studied. The side effects were measured by self-rating scales and independent observer rating scales administered every 2-4 wk throughout the study. After months of treatment, Li induced hand tremor and thirst/polyuria, but with no relationship to the serum levels of Li. The frequency of tremor was highest in patients above the age of 60 yr. No initial sedative-like Li effect was found.

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