X-Ray Absroption Table for the 2-to-200 Å Region

Physical and chemical analysis, X-ray astronomy and high temperature plasma diagnostics which utilize the ultrasoft X-radiations hare made evident a strong need for filling the gap in measured absorption coefficient data for the radiations between the conventional X-rays and the extreme ultraviolet. More than one hundred new coefficients have been measured in this laboratory on the gas state, atomic or molecular, containing He, C, N, 0, F, Ne, S, Cl, Ar, Kr and Xe using eleven fluorescent, characteristic wavelengths Al-Kα (8.34 A) through Be-K (113.8 A). The radiations were isolated by Bragg reflection from multilayer analyzers of the Langmuir-Blodgett type and by pulse height discriminating proportional counter intensity measurements.

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