Kinetics of extracellular ATP hydrolysis by microvascular endothelial cells from rat heart

We have characterized the ectonucleotidases that catalyse the reaction sequence ATP-->ADP-->AMP-->adenosine on microvascular endothelial cells cultured from the rat heart. Computer simulation and data fitting of progress of reaction curves showed that depletion of substrate at the cell surface dominates the regulation of the rate of hydrolysis of ATP when it is presented to the cells. Preferential delivery of AMP by ADPase to 5′-nucleotidase makes a significant contribution to the regulation of adenosine production from ATP or ADP. By contrast, we found no evidence for the preferential delivery of ADP from ATPase to ADPase. Feed-forward inhibition of AMP hydrolysis by ADP and/or ATP also modulated the rate of adenosine production. The properties of the ectonucleotidases on rat heart microvascular cells are such that adenosine is produced at a steady rate over a wide range of ATP concentrations.