Nectaries as Entry Sites for Aspergillus flavus in Developing Cotton Bolls

Cotton flowers in replicate plots in two fields near Phoenix, Ariz., were tagged in June at the beginning of the flowering period. Flowers or developing bolls from these tagged flowers were inoculated on the involucral (bracteal) nectaries with dry spores of Aspergillus flavus. The bolls were harvested as they matured in August, and the seeds were assessed for the presence of the fungus. The number of infected seed from flowers and bolls inoculated up to 25 days after anthesis was significantly higher than that in uninoculated controls. Seeds from bolls inoculated after 25 days postanthesis did not differ significantly from controls in degree of infection. We postulate that the sharp decline in the ability of the fungus to infect the plant and seed is a result of physical or biochemical changes in the boll as it reaches physiological maturity or biochemical changes in the entire plant as it develops.