Laryngotracheal lesions following routine orotracheal intubation in the horse

Sequelae of routine orotracheal intubation under clinical conditions were characterized in 38 healthy horses presented at three veterinary medical teaching hospitals. Four of these were necropsied and their tissues studied histologically. To minimise variation, 30 mm id cuffed silicone endotracheal tubes or Cole cuffless tubes were used in all patients. Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of upper respiratory and tracheal areas was accomplished pre-incubation, immediately post extubation and after 24 h. Endoscopy revealed that intubation was associated with laryngeal and/or tracheal lesions in all horses. Observations included abundant tracheal mucus, epithelial ecchymoses, basement membrane haemorrhage and mucus covered diphtheritic membrane plaques. Histological examination of lesions from the upper respiratory system of the four necropsied horses confirmed that the damage was comparable to that associated with tracheal intubation and reported in other species.