Mapping of the Emery-Dreifuss gene through reconstruction of crossover points in two Italian pedigrees

Two unrelated pedigrees, which show recurrence of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD) in three generations, have been studied using 13 X-linked DNA polymorphisms and somatic cell hybrids to establish the phase of the corresponding alleles in some obligate carriers. The reconstruction of cross-over points on the X chromosomes carrying the EDMD gene excludes from mapping most regions of the X chromosome except for the terminal portion of Xq. Pooled linkage data from the two pedigrees confirm the linkage previously reported with locus DXS15. A cross-over in a carrier female suggests that the EDMD gene is probably located distally to DXS15. In addition the recombinant meioses from one of the two pedigrees suggest the following order for some Xq polymorphic loci: DXS1 (DXYS1-DXS178) DXS42 (F9-DXS15).