A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Mercury Dimethyl

The 1H, 199Hg and 13C spectra of the more common of the isotopic species occurring in natural abundance in mercury dimethyl have been studied. The proton spectra were observed directly whilst the 199Hg and 13C spectra were measured indirectly by a double resonance method involving observation in the proton region. A hitherto unreported long range coupling of magnitude 0·44±0·02 c/s was observed between the methyl protons and new values were obtained for the directly bonded 13C-H coupling, ± 129·6±0·1 c/s, and for the geminal 199Hg-12C-H coupling, ± 101·9±0·1 c/s. The relative signs of these couplings, together with the sign and magnitude of the directly bonded 199Hg-13C coupling, ±689±2 c/s, were determined by experiments on the 0·33 per cent abundant species H3 13C199Hg-12CH3. The magnitude of the 199Hg-13C coupling is discussed in terms of the correlation between reduced coupling constants and atomic number. The vicinal 13C-Hg-12CH3 coupling appears to be zero.