L'imitation comme mode d'échange prépondérant entre pairs au cours de la troisième année.

The study aims at an analysis of a means of communication between peers at a given period of development (2.0-2.10): the imitation of persons. The child resorts to this mode of exchange at a period when, according to Wallon, the identification with the other is an essential element in the elaboration of his own self. Imitations focus not on the objective of the activity, as in observational learning, but on the gestures and attitudes of the other. Children of different creches were filmed (during 15 to 30 minutes) without their knowledge in the absence of adults, in small groups of two then three children. Three of each object were available. They were of two sorts: relevant to development of attitudes of persons (hat, umbrellas...) or for developing physical activity (balloons...). The first results show, besides the absence of aggression, a preponderance of initiation and maintenance of contact by imitation, allowing an analysis of different rules of imitation and its role in communication between children.

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