In this study destruction of human deoxyhemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) induced by the action of primary products of water radiolysis, mainlyOH,e aq - , H, and of secondary ethanol radicals was investigated. The extent of destruction was estimated on the basis of absorbance ratioA 505/A 563 after conversion of hemoglobin into methemoglobin (MetHb) and the changes in the parameters of hemoglobin oxygenation. Deoxy-Hb solutions were irradiated under the atmosphere of argon and N2O, in the absence and presence of ethanol. In each case the radiation-chemical yield for hemoglobin destruction $G_d = \sum\limits_i {f_i g_i } $ was determined (where :f i-fractional efficiency of destruction by the individual radicals,g i-fraction of radicals reacting with deoxy-Hb). Results were elaborated statistically estimating, by the method of least squares, the parameters of a multidimensional regression function which for each experiment with deoxy-Hb conc. 5 mg ml−1 was of the form: $$G_d = 0.09g_{OH} + 0.018g_{e_{\overline {aq} } } - 0.099g_H + 0.03g_{R_{Et}^ \cdot } $$ . The destruction efficienciesf ⋅OH andf R et . were statistically significant whilef e aq - andf H were not.

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