Establishment of pasture on yellow?brown loams near te anau

Lime at 4, 7, 15, and 29 cwt/ac was applied to cultivated Te Anau yellow-brown loam in three ways— (a) disced into the soil 3 months before sowing of seed; (b) disced into the soil immediately before sowing of seed; (c) applied to the ground surface at time of sowing. Responses to all rates of lime were generally small. For 18 months after sowing, lime increased the percentage cover and vigour of grasses, but had little effect on clovers. Small increases in total herbage production were recorded in the limed treatments in the second and third years after application. Discing lime into the soil 3 months before sowing the pasture or immediately before sowing did not prove superior to surface applications at sowing. Movement of lime down the soil profile was very slow. Liming is not considered necessary on Te Anau yellow-brown loam.

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