Measles Epidemiology and Elimination Strategies in Turkey

In Turkey, 15,000–30,000 measles cases have been reported annually since the 1990s. Epidemics occur every 3–4 years, and ⩾90% of cases are <15 years old. The high incidence is due to inadequate vaccination coverage (nationally 84% in 2001) and immunity provided by the first dose of vaccine administered at age 9 months. The second dose, which has been recommended for first grade students since 1998, has been insufficient to provide the herd immunity necessary to control measles. The Ministry of Health launched a comprehensive program for 2002–2010 targeting measles elimination. This plan calls for a national vaccination campaign among all children aged 9 months to 14 years and routine two‐dose vaccination coverage will be increased to ⩾95% or follow‐up campaigns will be conducted in areas not achieving high coverage levels. Also, all military recruits in 2002–2009 will be vaccinated and case‐based, laboratory supported surveillance will be initiated.