CpG islands of the X chromosome are gene associated

Unmethylated CpG rich islands are a feature of vertebrate DNA: they are associated with housekeeping and many tissue specific genes. CpG islands on the active X chromosome of mammals are also unmethylated. However, islands on the inactive X chromosome are heavily methylated. We have identified a CpG island in the 5'' region of the G6PD gene, and two islands forty Kb 3'' from the G6PD gene, on the human X chromosome. Expression of the G6PD gene is associated with concordant demethylation of all three CpG islands. We have shown that one of the two islands is in the promoter region of a housekeeping gene, GdX. In this paper we show that the second CpG island is also associated with a gene, P3. The P3 gene has no homology to previously described genes. It is a single copy, 4 kb gene, conserved in evolution, and it has the features of a housekeepin two genes is within the CpG island and that sequences in the islands have promoter function.