Cloning and characterization of the Inc A/C plasmid RA1 replicon

The Inc A/C plasmids, like Inc P and Inc Q plasmids, have a broad host range. However, their maintenance functions remain to be studied. An autoreplicative region of 2.79 kb named RepA/C, able to replicate both in the family Enterobacteriaceae and in Pseudomonas spp., was isolated and sequenced. The stability, copy number, and incompatibility expression of this replicon were determined. RepA/C and a nonautoreplicative fragment of 16 kb of this replicon were used as probes and showed specific hybridizations with the Inc P3-A/C plasmids from Pseudomonas spp. and members of the Enterobacteriaceae. These probes could be used as tools for identification of the plasmids of this epidemiologically important Inc group.