Electron cytochemistry of oxalate-stimulated calcium uptake in microsomes from the smooth muscle of the pig stomach

Summary A microsomal fraction was isolated from the smooth muscle of the antrum of the pig stomach by differential centrifugation. Electron microscopy of the negatively stained material showed that this fraction is heterogeneous in composition. The microsomes accumulated calcium in the presence of ATP, magnesium and oxalate. The amount of calcium taken up per mg protein was in the same range as observed for other smooth muscle microsomal preparations. Although this amount is much smaller than that in the microsomal fraction of skeletal muscle, calcium oxalate crystals were formed in some vesicles, as occurs in the skeletal muscle fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum. Through the presence of the calcium oxalate crystals, many of these vesicles acquired sufficient mass and density to allow them to be isolated by centrifugation. A purification of about 40 fold in terms of calcium content was reached.