Effect of superconductivity on spin dynamics in (Y1xRx)Rh4B4

An adiabatic—field-cycle method for B11 nuclear magnetic relaxation has been used to study the spin dynamics of rare-earth ions in dilute (Y1xRx)Rh4B4. Longitudinal dipolar fluctuations of rare-earth moments are found to be the main source for the spin-lattice relaxation time of B11. The variation of T1 in the superconducting state is attributed to the reduction of the electronic spin-relaxation time τm, which is mainly determined by the Ruderman-Kittle-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction mediated by the conduction electrons. The remarkable reduction of the RKKY coupling below Tc is discussed in connection with the reduction of the conduction-electron spin susceptibility χ(q).