Differential Regulation of Testicular Transferrin and Androgen-Binding Protein Secretion in Primary Cultures of Rat Sertoli Cells*

Specific RIAs for rat transferrin (rTF) and androgen-binding protein (rABP) were used to determine whether the secretion of these proteins were coordinately regulated in the Sertoli cell under a variety of conditons. Sertoli cell-enriched primary cultures were prepared from the testes of 20-day-old rats, and rTF and rABP were assayed in medium from the same culture. There was a strong effect of cell density on both rABP and rTF secretion per cell, with increased secretion per cell at high densities. Human TF (hTF), FeSO4, and desferrioxamine had little or no effect on rTF secretion. The age of the animal at the time of preparation of cells for culture had a strong effect on the pattern of rTF and rABP secretion in vitro; however, the effects of animal age, time in culture, and medium supplementation differed for the two proteins. In cultures prepared from 20-day-old animals, insulin, epidermal growth factor, and testosterone stimulated both rTF and rABP secretion, although to different extents. Retinoic acid was required for the stimulation and maintenance of rTF secretion, but had no effect on rABP secretion of the presence of insulin, hTF, and epidermal growth factor. Conversely, FSH and isoproterenol stimulated rABP, but not rTF, secretion. These data suggest that the secretion of rABP and rTF by Sertoli cells is under differential control.