Phases ofHe3andHe4Monolayer Films Adsorbed on Basal-Plane Oriented Graphite

Heat capacities of He3 and He4 monolayers adsorbed on "Grafoil" graphite substrates at low temperatures are qualitatively different from previous results using other adsorbents. The present study consists of a detailed survey of many samples conducted in two similar but independent calorimeters: the fractional coverages ranged from 5 to 115% of a completed first layer and the temperature range extended from 0.04 to above 10° K. Several distinct thermodynamic regimes are seen, some of which correspond closely with well-known theoretical models as well as others that had not been predicted. At moderate densities and temperatures the behavior resembles that of two-dimensional gases. Departures from ideality are correlated with quantum-mechanical virial corrections for interacting molecules. In this range of coverages the He4 specific heats begin to rise at T3 K, forming strong rounded peaks near 1°K. He3, on the other hand, shows a monotonic decrease with falling temperature until T0.2 K, then (for a narrow range of coverages) reversing the trend to form rounded maxima near 100 m°K. At the lowest temperatures the He3 appears to enter a two-dimensional (2D) Fermi-liquid regime. At higher coverage both He3 and He4 undergo second-order phase transitions to regular arrays in registry with the substrate. In the critical region that heat capacities have symmetric peaks of logarithmic shape, with coefficients in close quantitative agreement with exact 2D Ising models. Above critical density the ordering peaks disappear and 2D liquid and solid behavior is seen. He4 at high density and low T is Debye-like, with characteristic temperatures Θ2D equal to Θ3D of hcp solid He4 of the same interatomic spacing. At higher T the 2D solid appears to transform to a 2D fluid by a continuous process, and pronounced heat-capacity peaks associated with the transformation are located at temperatures near the melting points of hcp He4 having the same interatomic spacing. At very low coverage the 2D gas character gives way to a regime resembling a low-density 2D solid.

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