Novel Gate Structure for High Voltage Light-Triggered Thyristor

This paper presents a novel gate structure for a high power light-triggered thyristor, which is easily fired with a light-triggering system consisting of a commercially available LED and optical fibers. The key features of the novel gate structure are its light sensitive area surface consisting of a central P-base portion, and its surrounding stepwise deep diffused N-emitter with more than 70% to 75% quantum efficiency. A 4 kV-1.5 kA directly light-triggered thyristor was developed using the novel gate structure as a first pilot thyristor for a newly developed multi-stage amplifying gate, satisfying excellent overall characteristics of 2.5 mW minimum light triggering power, 250 A/µs di/dt capability and 1.5 kV/µs dv/dt capability, as well as high voltage turn-on testing from 4 kV rated full blocking voltage without di/dt failure.

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