The Results of the Experimental Administration of Amphetamine Sulphate in Oligophrenia

A number of drugs have been employed in an attempt to increase the mental capacity of oligophrenics. The effect of thiamine on learning demonstrated by Harrell (1943, 1946) led Rudolf (1949, 1950) to use this vitamin in the treatment of oligophrenia. Similarly, the early studies of Zimmermann and Ross (1944) on glutamic acid resulted in a large number of papers on its debatable effect in feeblemindedness (Zimmermann, Burgomeister and Putnam, 1946, 1947, 1948; McCulloch, 1950; Ellson, Fuller and Urmston, 1950; Quinn and Durling, 1950; Lafon, Faure and Bascou, 1952; Oldfelt, 1952). The results of celastrus paniculata on mental defectives have been described by us elsewhere (Morris, MacGillivray and Mathieson, 1953, 1954).