We have recently studied a patient with acquired toxoplasmosis with prominent focal neurological signs. Since there is only one previous report of focalToxoplasmagranuloma in the literature, we believe it worthwhile to submit a detailed report of this patient's clinical manifestations and pathologic findings. Congenital toxoplasmosis was first described in humans by Janku in 1923.1Since his report, the signs and symptoms have come to be widely recognized. The triad of choreoretinitis, seizures, and disseminated cerebral calcification constitute a more or less classical picture. The first report of a patient with acquired toxoplasmosis was made by Pinkerton and Weinman in 1940.2Since this report, numerous cases have been recorded. In general, it has been noted that the symptoms and signs are extremely varied. Several authors3,4have described a rash resembling that of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Reports of infections in laboratory workers have included the occurrence