More than 70% of wild-type Rous sarcoma virus p60v-src was found to be associated with a cellular structure resistant to nonionic detergent extraction that consists primarily of cytoskeletal proteins. On the other hand, nontransforming src proteins, including cellular p60c-src, nonmyristoylated forms, and those inactive in protein kinase, were found in the fraction solubilized by the detergent extraction. p60c-src was detergent-soluble even in transformed cells, suggesting that the association of p60c-src is not a result of cell transformation. Analyses with a variety of Rous sarcoma virus mutants showed a good correlation between the degree of association with the detergent-resistant structure and the extent of cell transformation caused by mutant src proteins, suggesting that this association may be significant for the process of cell transformation by Rous sarcoma virus.